The beginning of a new month has come in a blink of an eye. In February, (beside turning 22) I started and finished my IETLS course, which I supposed to take more seriously with doing more self-study instead of relying on what's the tutor telling me. I had an IELTS simulation for reading and listening. Don't ask me how I was doing. I was terrible. That's all. I wasn't even expecting any score higher than 4. Even 3. A good thing about learning English (again) is feeling good about feeling like a foolish. At least I knew something that I'm terrible at. Apparently, every single thing.
Beside the IELTS, I took another role in GPY Semarang as a vice leader. I knew I should've just stepped aside from any organizational thingy, because I felt like I've done enough for this past four years. Unfortunately, that was the only thing that made me stay human: meet people and communicate right to others' eyes. Our team will conduct two major events by only two months of preparation and I'm ready to be insane with them. I was encouraged to maintain my own project and was expected enlarge the impact. I wasn't even given the chance to question why the hell those people were counting on my project so much.
Last but not least, I'm still living up my dream which has been there since I wasn't even know how to ride a bike: writing a book. So far, I've done.. nothing but a rough outline which has come to an endless revising phase. On daily basis, I still observe people and play silly scenarios in my head with them as the main characters, I still rather be with my hand-written note than a digital one to keep any sudden-coming ideas and most of all.. I still have no idea on how to finish the damn outline. Wish for a progress in March.
Wish me luck.
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