February 11, 2014

Being Seventeen

Having a birthday, is not that special that you think. If you wanna change every bad thing in you, no need to wait until your birthday come, no need to wait until new year, or no need to wait for any outer factors which is not related to your own self. You are the one who make and start the change. You are the one who know well when, where and what the hell are the thingy that you're going to change. Well, I used to think that birthday is that special, so everyone should wish me on my birthday. But then I realized, that birthday is about myself. I should have considered what I've done in last year and what kind of achievements that I'm planning to achieve in this age.

on my 17th birthday ^^

So, then..because it's been a year since my 17th birthday (that's a link, you may click it), I'll be reviewing what I've obtained when I was seventeen. Orang-orang yang umurnya jauh di atas tujuh belas tahun, sering menjadikan angka tujuh belas ini sebagai guyonan ketika mereka ditanya tentang umur. Bahkan Zac Efron yang udah setua itu (ga tua tua banget sih sebenernya), bela-belain main film 17 Again demi pura-pura balik ke umur 17 *ditoyorzac*. Mungkin adek-adek yang belum tau gimana rasanya berumur 17, bertanya-tanya kenapa kedengarannya berumur 17 itu feels that good. Well, I'm not a type of person who easily believed pendapat sekumpulan orang tentang masa-masa paling indah adalah masa SMA, atau betapa membahagiakannya bocah-bocah yang masih 17 tahun. Atau pendapatnya Taylor Swift tentang betapa hebringnya dia di umur 15 dan 22.

Setiap orang melewati masa-masa umur ke 17-nya dengan berbeda-beda, but they're all like having an informal agreement that being 17 is so damn good. That's what I've finally included in that informal agreement. Aku telah berikrar, bahwa umur ke 17-ku, adalah masa yang sungguh membahagiakan.

For me, being seventeen is like a turning point. I turned from a high school student, into college student. Yang awalnya tinggal bareng ibu dan adek di kampung halaman, jadi tersesat sendiri di negeri antar berantah. Dari posisi paling terpuruk setelah ditolak mentah-mentah UGM di SNMPTN, sampai posisi paling bangkit sebangkit-bangkitnya setelah diterima di Psikologi Undip dengan IP 4 di semeser satu ini #uhuk! #sombong! #uhuk! *dibuang* Dari yang nggak ngerti apa-apa sama sekali tentang flirting to the boys, sampai suddenly the boys like crawling to get you #apaini #iniapa *ditendang*.

Well, I experienced those stuff. Beberapa hal amazing kayak di atas dan beribu hal-hal kecil lain. I finally know why do people really want to be 17 again so badly. Even Zec Efron does. So, for those whose already passed 17, just go review your 17 y.o moment and I bet you'll find lots of stuff. For those who's still have to wait several years, months or days to be 17, just get yourself well prepared for this amazing adventure. And, for those who's 17, take every moment that's happening in your 17y.o life, open your eyes, ears, heart, and I bet, you'll understand why people really love being 17.. :)


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