Here are some fucks told by this book, that is written in an ordinary way by Mark Manson, for ordinary people out there, who need to swear at their fucking ordinary lives.
This is those ordinary fucks:
- if everyone were extraordinary, then by definition no one would be extraordinary is missed by most people;
- while there is something to be said for "staying on the sunny side of life," the truth is, sometimes life sucks, and the healthiest thing you can do is admit it;
- we don't go from "wrong" to "right." Rather, we go from wrong to slightly less wrong;
- pleasure is the most superficial form of life satisfaction and therefore the easiest to obtain and the easiest to lose;
- commitment gives you freedom because you're no longer distracted by the unimportant and frivolous;
- but depth is where the gold is buried. That's true in relationships, in a career, in building a great lifestyle, in everything;
- the older you get, the more experienced you get, the less significantly each new experience affects you;
- and some other fucks, that I don't give a fuck about.
Pretty ordinary, huh?
I don't recommend you to read this book if you've heard some (or all) of those fucks before. But if you've never heard any of those fucks, or if you've heard them but still want to read it, like I do, maybe this book is for you.
The main point about this book is that, unlike it's tittle, there's no way to not give a fuck, because not giving a fuck, is still a fuck given anyway.
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