August 20, 2018

Intro to WIP Updates

Dear, you

After thinking for too long, I finally decided to create this label. I've been tracking my WIP progress for myself, but it didn't seem to work. Instead of making a progress, I got stuck. I kept on changing, apparently, every single thing about my WIP, but none were seem to bring me somewhere closer to the end of my first draft. 

So, I looked back to my 22 years of life and found an incredibly surprising fact about myself (and most people, I believe): I managed to finish things that were obliged by something beyond myself, I hated them, but I did them anyway because of the urge from people or systems. So, here I am, trying to include that 'something-beyond-myself thing', which in this case, you, to track my progress in finishing thing that I'm truly passionate about. 

I'll be posting regularly (either weekly or monthly) under this label and update my WIP progress. I'll be super honest about everything during the process. There might be some days where I'll be excited because of the progress I make and there might be days where I'll be stressed out and depressed, because of writers block or any other type of blocks. But, the point is, to include you in holding myself accountable for finishing this WIP. 

At the end of the day, I know I'll still be the only one and will always be the only one who have to do this work until the end. But knowing the fact that you are reading my struggle, at the very least, will constantly remind me of my responsibility on you, to show you that I really am capable of finishing what I've started. 



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