"You look good."
That's what you, and other billions of people say whenever I wear make up: liquid powder, lipstick, blush on (most of the times), mascara and eyeliner (sometimes).
I wasn't really sure if that was a compliment though, because what you see was not the real me. It was me covered by a mask. But I smiled and thanked you anyway.
That scene was repeated over and over, until I strongly hold this believe that I do look good when I put on make-up. No make up, no look good. Like Pavlov's dog who salivated when a bell rang. No bell, no saliva. Association between make-up and looking good is supposed to be as irrelevant as saliva and bell, but thanks to Pavlov's conditioning theory experiment, which has proven that it is possible to manipulate human's (and dog's) behavior through a made-up condition.
By nature, dogs only need food to salivate. No bells needed. The same case happens for me. By nature, I am just as good as I already am. No make-up needed. So, who made me associate looking good with make-up? Your words did. Just like what the bell did to the food. You've successfully manipulated my believe about my look through your conditioned stimuli.
Unfortunately, this conditioned stimuli has spread to all over world. I told you that I started to feel anxious about my look and started to loose track of things I matter the most, after being conditioned by make-up. I wanted to go back to days when I didn't need a conditioned stimuli to feel good about myself. But I just couldn't, because you (and other people in the entire world) keep on telling me that: I look pale without make up; I look prettier with make up; I look more presentable with make up; I look more put together with make up; and the lists goes on (things that you don't say to boys though they don't use make up, which is not fair).
Finally, I came to a conclusion. If you could manipulate my behavior, why couldn't I manipulate my own behavior? I'll create my own stimuli (to go out without make up) and create my own conditioned response (to feel good about myself). It does not just reverse myself to the unconditioned response, but also gives a new conditioned stimuli to you, that I do look good without make up. But if that theory does not apply in this-already-massively-spread-conditioned-stimuli, then, there's nothing I could do more than changing my own believe about my own self.
Because at the end, it's not that you-look-good comment that I'm begging for in life. It is my passionate work that I'm striving for, and value to others that I'm serving for. My truest life goals will definitely be good without me having to be manipulated by your irrelevant words.
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