August 26, 2018

Convey Messages in A Story: WIP Update #1

Dear, you

Here is my first weekly WIP update and I'm gonna start on August, 21st. Monday and Thursday are supposed to be hectic days at work, because those are days where children have classes and make me have to work for nine hours straight. Usually, I got home with no strength left, especially to work on my writing. But that Monday, I didn't know what possessed me, surprisingly, I was able to stay awake from eight to eleven pm, to actually outline this goddamn book. And what more surprising than that, was I created a lot of breakthrough and highlighted bunch of questions that I need to answer on the following days. That was such a good start for me to proudly announce in this post. 

On the next day, August 22nd, was the day where I felt like craving for motivational references to keep me on the creative mood. I didn't outline a lot, but I did get some enlightenment from writing videos I watched. That was about how fictions are supposed to be a great way to convey messages about humanity and morality; and how a story should make the readers think long after the book, which I've forgotten during this entire outlining process. So, I noted that in my Black Book (that's how I name my outlining notebook) and created another breakthrough on the following day, according to that new insight.

On August 23rd, after thinking about status quo in my society, I wrote some messages that I wanted to deliver through my writing, I came back to my outline, re-read one of my first notes in the Black Book and decided to add a new PoV. This PoV will follow a male main character who lives in a whole different society from the main female character's, showing a contrast of thought, inner conflict and actions. Which I think, would be really good to enrich the message I'm trying to deliver. 

On the following two last days of this weekly update, I didn't outline anything. During those days, I wasn't able to actually implement new ideas that I had on the previous days into a coherence outline, which kinda make me frustrated. So, instead of forcing myself to keep on working, I gave myself a break, did a workout, read a book (The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas), went to a reunion event and had a conversation with a friend until past midnight. I'm constantly trying to keep my sanity intake, because that is the ultimate reason for me going through this journey. To keep on living, instead of merely existing or worst, being crazy. 

Next week, I'm hoping you to stay around, because I want to get more things together, to discover more answers to questions I've outlined, to see more through the eye of the characters and of course, to keep on cherishing this beautiful yet frustrating life. 



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