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I'm not that cute by the way.. |
April udah lewat. Mungkin aku seharusnya ngeliat ke belakang dan menganalisis seberapa jauh perkembangan yang udah aku buat selama sebulan ini. Ada kejomplangan dari bulan lalu sepertinya. Atau mungkin sama aja? Dari Kalista yang males-malesan, jadi Kalista yang tetep males-malesan? Nah, atau se-enggak-nya, bulan ini ada saat di mana aku tenggelam dalam seasyikanku belajar psikologi sosial, materi kemudahan sosial (social facilitation).
Nggak tau kenapa, begitu bernafsu buat belajar tuh materi. Kayaknya ada yang merayu-rayu buat baca setiap materi dalam buku Social Psychology hasil nyolong minjem dari perpus, versi asli bahasa inggris yang tebelnya ampun-ampunan. But I didn't feel like studying. I just felt like reading something that I really love. Nggak ada beban dan nggak ada alasan untuk nunda-nunda ngebaca tuh materi. Bahkan dengan bahagia aku rombak makalah kelompok dengan bahasaku sendiri dan ngebuat pptnya sendiri tanpa ngerasa berat.
The book was just like magically calling me out to read every single page. Dan sebuah keajaiban terjadi pas presentasi. I didn't know that the lecture was Bu Iin, yang temen-temen bilang paling hobi ngebantai siapa pun yang presentasi. Tapi aku nggak pernah ngerasa sesiap itu pas presentasi. I was bravely going to the front, speaking without hesitation and answering all the lecture's question even like an expert. I could make sure that I was the only one who undertand the whole things written in the slide show (dispite the fact that I was the one who made it). And I can ensure that no one in my group, could explain her questions based on social facilitation theory.
Doing presentation, never been felt that good. I love having that kind of feeling. I really hope that I could keep that spirit for the rest of my college life. But, you know what... the next week after those-so-spiritful-days-of-studying-social-facilitation, I drawn up into total laziness.. again. Well.. I don't know why. But I just couldn't find any reason to bring back the awesome atmosphere to study. Even K-Drama titled God of Study that I'm watching, can merely make me cry on the whole scene instead of boosting up my studying spirit. Can someone help me please? Inject me some power like what I got last week, please...
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aku padamu lah pokoknyaaa |
By the way, Lee Hyun Woo is soooo dammnn cute in that drama. Can I just give him a warm hug??? ><
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