I'm gonna turn back time and look at what I've done in 2013. A year
when I finally know why people really want to be seventeen again. This
age and this year, are synchronizing to give me the best moment ever.
Things that I've never expected to be, are really happening this year.
Things that I really want to get, and finally get replaced by other
better things. I experienced a turning point, which is never able to be
replaced by any other years in my life.
It's only 3 months
but we've been that close |
the time when I was
down, frustrated, felt like no one could understand
my situation, no one could ever told me what to do and no one could
ever be my problem solver. I've never felt that hopeless before that
SNMPTN result was announced. I couldn't see anything but darkness until I
finally try to get up slowly and found a lantern to keep on walking on
my weak feet.
A new family was born for me. In the endless
journey to no where,
I found people who are willing to give me a lighter
lantern. Everyday, I went to course place, ten kilometers from home,
went back in the evening and sometimes attacked by thunderstorm. In that
place, I didn't only study to face SBMPTN, but also learn to be more
down to earth,
listen to others and realized that this world is not only
about me, mine and myself, but also about they, theirs and themselves.
The thing that I've never imagined to be, result of struggle that I've never considered,
brought me to Diponegoro University, Faculty of Psychology. Truthfully, soal-soal SBMPTN was killing me inside, torn me into pieces, made me get rid all of university-that-I-want list. But God has led me to this (I'm trying to make it..) lovely city, Semarang. Several hours from Jogjakarta, a city where I expected to get my bachelor degree. But I check my 2013-to-do-list, then, to
go out of hometown again, find out some new experiences of being in a strange place.
My lovely messy "kos" |
Being seventeen, means that you're no longer a kid but not yet adult. You're
expected to act like 75% adult and just allowed to
take 20% of childish thingy. The rest
5% is used to get yourself some free spaces to adapt in order to bring yourself to maturity. This is how feel when I've gotta live in a 4x5meters room, with all things to live inside. When you wanna ask you mommy for food, then you realize that food is no longer available by asking, but go outside and buy some. You're forced by unknown inner power to have your dishes and clothes washed by yourself. And sometimes, you just gotta hold back that strong unknown power, when you're looking at some cute thingy, because you still have to eat by tomorrow and tomorrow until mom send you some additional money.
Simple problems that anak kos usually face. Burdensome yet fun :)
with Aa Sila (left) and Emak Safa (right) |
New people that I met in college, are not so much different than high school kiddos in Banjarmasin or Jogjakarta. But
one thing that I miss the most, is talking with Bahasa Banjar. No one could be my Bahasa Banjar speaking partner here because I'm the only student coming from Banjarmasin. No until I find a Balinese Sampit-nese girl named Devi and a Banjarbaru-ish senior named Kak Dian.
We were talking like crazy at the first time we know each other. I found a warung nasi kuning masak habang near campus, and I was pointing at that place insanely, asked my friends to have a try on that Banjar dish. But it was ended up with..
"it's just nasi kuning Jawa which the tempe and sliced omelet, are replaced by a serundeng egg -__- " There was NO masak habang at all! And that's not Banjar dish. Maybe I should be the one who did the cooking (I don't cook, btw ._.) Okay, but that was okay though.
It was successfully overcome a tiny part of my homesickness.. :')
AIESEC welcoming party. Can you find me? |
Not only dealing with campus and kos life,
I also running organization life. It's AIESEC. I should've gone exchange to somewhere out there this January, but
it was totally a mess with the interview and the country that accepted me. First, I failed having interview with Italy because I'm not yet 18 (you need to be 18 to get Italy visa -..-). Second, I rejected by Poland, which is totally OKAY though (it's a bit hurt actually..). Third, I accepted by Pakistan which is not agreed by my mom because.. "itu tu negara berkembang. Sama kayak Indonesia. Ngapain kamu ke sana? Mending nggak usah. Bla bla bla.." Okay then. I gave up with going exchange this winter.
So, I'm gonna go exchange in summer. People, please pray for me *pray*. Thanks..
2014 has come, my seventeen era will end soon. There's only one thing that I'm planning to do this year.
No more wasting time. Great!
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