Whole my life, I've been questioning, why do Muslims have to pray for so many times a day? Even when I was 13, I told my Catholic friend that I envy her for not having to pray that much. And she said nothing as a response, causing me become even more envy of other religions, that in my eyes, they are much easier to be practiced. The same thought emerged every Ramadhan. Though it's never been that hard for me to fast (because I just hated to eat), but still, the believe that becoming a Muslim is such a burden, was always been in my head for as long as I could remember.
In the next several years of my life, I started to feel less burdened to practice my religious routine. However, the routines were just feel so plain to me: praying, fasting, doing more good, doing less harm, etc. I valued my prayer only when I have ulterior motives, like: wanted Him to ease me through a hardship, wanted Him to guide me through the process of reaching a goal, etc. It's not the prayer itself that I needed, instead, it was the reward following the prayer that I pursue. In fact, it is not a wrong thing to do. It is just not a motive that could keep me on giving a value to every prayer I do.
Until after the day I graduated in January, where everything in my future was just seem so blur (even until today), I started to find goals where possible: writing stories, learning IELTS, aiming for abroad scholarship. I was overwhelmed by goals.
After battling with the anxiety and doubt, I decided that it's time to get a grip.
To where? To who?
I changed my intention. I changed my goal. I mentioned it in every prayer.
I tell Him, that I do live in the name of Him. I live because He should be the only ultimate goal of everything I'm doing. I've had enough of myself, my goals, people and the world in general, but Him.
So, I came back to Him like I've never been there before.
Then, my prayer started to be a need, rather than an obligation. My prayer started to be a talk to a Lover, rather than memorized Arabic words. I started to miss Him even more when it was not the prayer time.
Then, I started to see Him everywhere. In a tree that grows in front of my room, in colony of ants that are passing by my room door, in ripe fruits I bought for lunch, in the skin of a lizard, in a bucket of water in my bathroom. I saw Him everywhere.
Until then, I knew that I should've been present for Him, instead of Him being the only one who presents for me.
Live shouldn't have been this hard if I knew it earlier.
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